Planning for Annual Enrollment


1. If you set goals for your last enrollment, which didn’t you meet?
2. If you didn’t set goals, why not?
3. Do you struggle with employees who don’t read or take action?


What’s preventing you from trying a different approach?

• Not enough time? Consider how much time you and your staff spend dealing with issues that arise because employees don’t read or take appropriate action.

• Resources? If you’re like our clients, you’ll discover that investing resources in employee communications pays off. Higher productivity, improved employee engagement, lower claims costs, and increased participation are only some of the benefits.

• Do you rely on one type of media? Most of us are trying to connect with widely different age groups with different media preferences – from Baby boomers to Millennials. A mix of channels works best.

• Is your messaging long and complicated? Communicate often. Keep it brief, and focus on what employees need to know to make informed choices. In the 1930’s, marketers developed the Rule of Seven – i.e., a message needs at least seven repetitions before a person acts on it. Today, you might need more than seven “touches” just to be noticed. Unless you have a clearly-defined strategy that maps out how you’ll reach employees multiple times, you significantly reduce your odds of success.

• Do you have an internal brand? Making information visually appealing and having a consistent look helps employees identify the information they need to pay attention to.

If you could improve your annual enrollment communications, would you?
Learn how by contacting us at (203) 761-8841 or by emailing Jeff at [email protected].